Green Knoll Volunteer
Fire Company #1
34 Apparatus
Engine 34-1
2018 Pierce Velocity
The Pierce Velocity carries hose, water and tools to a fire. The pump on the truck can deliver 2000 gallons of water per minute. The tank holds 750 gallons of water. It also has the capability to dispense foam for hard to extinguish petroleum based fires. It accommodates eight firefighters.

Engine 34-9
2009 Pierce Velocity
Similar to 34-1, this Pierce Velocity carries hose, water and tools to a fire. The pump on the truck can deliver 1500 gallons per minute. The tank holds 750 gallons of water. It also has the capability to dispense foam for hard to extinguish petroleum based fires. It accommodates eight firefighters.

Tower 34
2018 Pierce Velocity
This Pierce Velocity Chassis, also known as the Ladder Truck, is equipped with a 100-ft aerial platform. It can pump 2,000 GPM and accommodates six firefighters.

Rescue 34
2007 Rosenbauer
Equipped with heavy rescue equipment, spare air bottles, and confined space rescue tools. Holds three firefighters.

Tanker 34
2015 Pierce Velocity
The Pierce Velocity carries hose, water, and tools to a fire. The pump on the truck can deliver 1250 gallons per minute. The tankers water tank holds a massive 4000 gallons of water! It holds six firefighters.

Utility 34
Ford F-250 Pickup
General purpose utility truck. Holds six firefighters.